What Was One Thing that Helped You Overcome NICU/PICU PTSD?

Those of you with NICU/PICU babies know what I am taking about. One word. PTSD. It is real. How did you push through to the other side?? 

“Prayers.” @aundiejhei

“Only by the grace of God did we survive it but we took it one day at a time.” @hannyhappenings

“One day at a time and constant praying and giving our sons life to the Lord knowing that he is ultimately His♥.”@kendraaalyn

“Exercise and prayer.” @_megan_segura_

“Dang I feel this! This post stopped me in my tracks because boy does the staff suffer from PICU PTSD too.(Nick & Dar, you remember the nights).  I’m certainly not trying to minimize what our patients and families go through, but man do we feel right along with you. Having supportive work peeps is key. And trying my best to stay healthy in other areas of my life (physical activity, healthy diet) to balance out the stressful work environment. ❤”@eleenheers

“Lots of prayers, and being forced by my family to take days off from the hospital.” @heathbar731

“Christ!” @katiemiller1212

“For us we did a few things to help:
1- pray and let go
2- let friends and family help as we had a need
3- talk about it/ process it (this one is the hardest because it gets ugly and vulnerable, but the healing in this is if it’s with safe people is HUGE!)
4- seeking a professional therapist
5- sleeping and eating well, and trying to exercise” @daabrams

“I’m not sure it’s something that is ever fully overcome. I view it as more of a continuum that you move along, you start with how many times a day/week do you feel the anxiety and stress kick back in and hopefully you progress to a place where it only happens a couple times a year: where your body and mind go into fight/flight because an image, a sound, a commercial for a tv drama bring you back to the trauma/stress of your child in the ICU.” @bradburst 

“Prayer, therapy, exercise, having in mind that things change and that in 2 or 3 years we all would be somewhere different. Support from loved ones.” @dani.lalah 

“Maybe ours is still too fresh, but I feel like you don’t ever move on from it but rather learn to move forward with it.  The things that felt like they have helped the most are:

1) Finding an outlet that works best for you. For me it has been writing, for my wife it has been crafts, for others it may be something different.
2) Connecting with other parents and families going though or who have been through similar experiences. There’s nothing like relating to someone who knows exactly what you’re feeling.
3) Professional help. I just started therapy recently and it has already helped process all of this so much.” @dwillofthe9

“PTSD is real & a rollercoaster but Staying positive, having faith, taking time for myself whether it be exercise or sitting in a room quietly for 5 minutes. Making sure my husband & I stay connected. Also connecting with other families is amazing, having people who understand what you’re feeling & going through is priceless!” @mamaofwarriorgirls

“Praying everyday and remembering to eat so that I can pump for my little one. It was the only thing I could do to help out so that kept me motivated.” @ladykhz

“I came to a huge realization after listening to Dr. Motley explain the science of PTSD and how on a cellular level trigger are activated. It’s nuts!” @jessiebaca

“Gosh, we haven’t been in the PICU in over a year but I’m still healing. Some days are harder than others ❤.”@little.miss.seamstress



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